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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
841. qPCR Calc Help - (reply: 6)
842. ABI Prism 7700 software - (reply: 1)
843. Difficult sequences in PCR - (reply: 2)
844. qPCR result interpretation - when your 'relative' is 0?? - (reply: 2)
845. why is real time pcr curve like this? - (reply: 3)
846. Housekeeping gene for COS-1 cells - (reply: 1)
847. PCR, neg control & no. of cycles - (reply: 2)
848. How do I insert a DNA sequence into a multiple cloning site and add restriction - (reply: 1)
849. efficiency calculation from non-10 fold dilutions - (reply: 1)
850. whole plasmid pcr? - (reply: 6)
851. Proper storage of isolated white blood cell prior to RNA isolation - (reply: 3)
852. Genomic pseudogenes?!? - (reply: 6)
853. Strange amplification plot - (reply: 4)
854. Conventional PCR of different dilutions - (reply: 1)
855. primer resuspension - (reply: 2)
856. Principles of overlap PCR - (reply: 7)
857. Help designing primers with restriction sites - (reply: 3)
858. DNA sequence data came back with lots of wrong bases - (reply: 5)
859. Why primers shouldn't have Tm difference greater than 5°C? - (reply: 5)
860. Abnormal amplification curve - (reply: 1)
861. Problem with Semiquantitative PCR - (reply: 4)
862. false positive/cross reaction with TaqMan - (reply: 1)
863. Problem w/ Genotyping Cre Only - (reply: 3)
864. ROX reference dye for quantitative RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
865. PCR problem - (reply: 9)
866. Didint get any band during gel electrophoresis even though DNA was there - (reply: 5)
867. why PCR product smeared? - (reply: 2)
868. Tm calculation for primers with RE sites and overhangs - (reply: 4)
869. silincing box, no amplification - (reply: 3)
870. Comparative semiquantitative RT-PCR - (reply: 2)