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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
391. TaqMan CN assay - control sample duplicated - (reply: 1)
392. qPCR - no amplification curve but suitable melting curve - (reply: 3)
393. Designing a PCR based detection method for an unknown virus/pathogen - (reply: 2)
394. Basic question about qPCR and endogenous RNA control. - (reply: 4)
395. Difficult PCR containing triplet repeats and Frt sites - (reply: 1)
396. something very basic, why called "event-specific detection" - (reply: 1)
397. skip 65 degrees protocol of Reverse transcription - (reply: 4)
398. Mystery in my PCR - (reply: 5)
399. Whole genome amplification from cDNA? - (reply: 4)
400. What do you use to check primer secondary structure? - (reply: 3)
401. CT of qPCR - (reply: 3)
402. Need help with my real time RT-PCR Plate Set up - (reply: 8)
403. PCR product as template for in vitro transcription - (reply: 1)
404. Sybr Green vs Taqman -- a practical approach - (reply: 2)
405. Problem with 3 step PCR - (reply: 3)
406. Selection of needle size to homogenize cells for RNA extraction - (reply: 3)
407. ARMS-PCR - (reply: 1)
408. Scaling up PCR to get more DNA - (reply: 5)
409. RNA concentration suddenly drops - (reply: 3)
410. Problem using evagreen (evagreen vs sybrgreen) - (reply: 4)
411. PCR to get 10kbp product - (reply: 4)
412. site-directed mutagenesis primer Tm - (reply: 4)
413. Single-step nested PCR: how to investigate dynamics? - (reply: 2)
414. RNA concentration to start RT reaction - (reply: 1)
415. Random vs oligo primer in preamplification RT - (reply: 1)
416. Smart Cycler II software and Absolute quantification help - (reply: 1)
417. cDNA amount in qPCR - (reply: 2)
418. mRNA integrity for qPCR - (reply: 6)
419. Strange control contamination in cDNA synthesis - (reply: 2)
420. how does polymerase stop at the required length - (reply: 1)