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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
481. Adding tag using overlapping PCR - (reply: 2)
482. Can you buy SYBR Green dye that is not in a master mix? - (reply: 3)
483. Design primer from incomplete sequence... - (reply: 2)
484. Long term storage for RNA extracted from pancreas - (reply: 3)
485. How to perform colony PCR - (reply: 1)
486. qPCR from HEK cells transfected with Plasmid - (reply: 4)
487. DNA size band increased after gel electrophoresis with Quaigen fit - (reply: 4)
488. Recipe for TKM1 and TKM2 buffer for DNA isolation from Whole blood - (reply: 1)
489. Negative Control Looks Like the Rest - (reply: 11)
490. Why RNase H treatment after cDNA synthesis - (reply: 2)
491. RNA isolation from Sesame seed - (reply: 3)
492. qPCR with Genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
493. Help me out with Primer calculation for point mutagenesis.... - (reply: 8)
494. Gene expression from whole pancreas or islets by using RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
495. Homogenize pancreas for RNA extraction - (reply: 3)
496. Point mutagenesis..... - (reply: 6)
497. No bands in PCR after DNase treatment - (reply: 4)
498. Overlap PCR problem - (reply: 5)
499. PCR product purification - (reply: 4)
500. Overlapping sequence PCR primers - (reply: 1)
501. acceptable melt curve? - (reply: 1)
502. Calibrator sample - (reply: 4)
503. Ct value very high. What can I do to improve this ct? - (reply: 4)
504. how to make a working solution of a primers for pcr reaction?? - (reply: 4)
505. Amount of RNA (ng) for good ct values. - (reply: 3)
506. Normalizing qPCR data - (reply: 1)
507. doing PCR using PCR product , help plz !! - (reply: 5)
508. High GC content RT-qPCR - please help - (reply: 3)
509. Electrophoresis problem , please help pals ! - (reply: 8)
510. Calculating Standard Errors and Normalising to Transgene - (reply: 1)