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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1771. RT-PCR - PCR conditions optimization (reply: 16)
1772. How to use Real-time PCR to detect some gene copy numbe in plant genome? - (reply: 1)
1773. way to know if my UNOII pcr machine is working properlly - (reply: 3)
1774. Freezing DNA have effects on real-time PCR efficiencies - (reply: 1)
1775. denaturation step of melting surve analysis - (reply: 2)
1776. contamination - contamination (reply: 2)
1777. pcr product quantification - (reply: 5)
1778. PCR Sample Prep - (reply: 4)
1779. PCR from roots - I know this sounds a little crazy... (reply: 2)
1780. All gradient samples give bands! How come? - (reply: 4)
1781. 2 Tm peaks with SyBr experiment - (reply: 6)
1782. can mRNA levels and MFI values be correlated - (reply: 3)
1783. PCR Cloning-large primers - (reply: 4)
1784. How can I have same plateau fluorescence? - (reply: 1)
1785. Interpreting QPCR DATA - (reply: 3)
1786. what does SQ mean? - (reply: 4)
1787. Free software for oligo analysis - (reply: 3)
1788. Real time house keeping genes change - (reply: 1)
1789. PCR product stays on agarose gel well !! - I need help, what is it happening? (reply: 11)
1790. Problem with absolute quatification - absolute quantification (reply: 1)
1791. RNA isolation for real-time RT-PCR - forgot to inactivate the DNAse (reply: 4)
1792. PCR data analysis if the efficiencies aren't equal - real time PCR troubleshooting (reply: 2)
1793. failed PCR on DNA extract from blood - (reply: 6)
1794. Alternative to netprimer - (reply: 5)
1795. Will ligase buffer affect polymerase fidelity? - (reply: 2)
1796. Primer dimer issue in real time PCR - (reply: 21)
1797. Leaky RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
1798. Preparing PCR reactions from a master mix - Just a quick one (reply: 3)
1799. expressing data with more than 1 HK gene - (reply: 2)
1800. RT-PCR primer dimers and cDNA degradation - (reply: 2)