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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
1741. PCR program - strange extension step (reply: 2)
1742. Purifying dsDNA from ssDNA after a PCR reaction - (reply: 3)
1743. Trouble with GAPDH housekeeping gene - (reply: 3)
1744. REAL TIME PCR 7005 v 2.01 : I need more reference samples! - How to add more than one reference sample to Real Time?? (reply: 1)
1745. qPCR lacks reproduceability - perfect runs, no reproduceability, no explaination, desperate... (reply: 5)
1746. Using BLAST to check primers - (reply: 17)
1747. qPCR and quantity of RNA - (reply: 2)
1748. pcr doesnt show any band for DNa walking - (reply: 8)
1749. How & where to prepare qPCR - (reply: 9)
1750. about qPCR plates sealing films - Axygen UC-500 vs. UC-200 (reply: 4)
1751. storing large amounts of PCR mastermix beforehand - question (reply: 3)
1752. questions about semi-quantitive PCR - weird result form semi-quantitive PCR (reply: 2)
1753. Effects of more cDNA in PCR??? - (reply: 1)
1754. PCR product disappears after restriction digestion - (reply: 4)
1755. Real Time PCR - excluding Ct - (reply: 2)
1756. PCR product looks less intense compared to others - should I increase the number of cycles? (reply: 4)
1757. DNA polymerases for PCR-sequencing - (reply: 11)
1758. Genotyping - PCR (reply: 6)
1759. Normalization of qpcr data - (reply: 1)
1760. probe conc. of Asymmetric PCR - (reply: 1)
1761. PCR stopped working!!! HELP!!! - need results urgently (reply: 12)
1762. Real Time PCR method comments - (reply: 2)
1763. Making standard dilution for qPCR - (reply: 1)
1764. colony pcr - (reply: 4)
1765. platinium taq vs simple taq - sequence (reply: 1)
1766. Primers and Taqman Probes mixture question - (reply: 1)
1767. truble shooting qiagen 1 step rt pcr kit - (reply: 2)
1768. no bands in my PCR - (reply: 9)
1769. Real Time PCR issues - Problems regarding my qPCR (reply: 6)
1770. Gene Expression analysis - (reply: 4)