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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
631. question about universal and specific primers for miRNA real time pcr - (reply: 1)
632. How to measure expression the mRNA (quantitative) - (reply: 1)
633. Ethanol contamination in RNA - (reply: 11)
634. Normalization of Real time PCR results using Pfaffl method - (reply: 2)
635. RT-PCR vs plate reader for pathogen detection - (reply: 3)
636. How to check primer sequences using BLAST and other tools? - (reply: 2)
637. real time PCR analysis in patient samples - (reply: 2)
638. Experiment plan for RT-qPCR internal reference search - (reply: 3)
639. Primer Check? - (reply: 2)
640. amplification of 14Kb - (reply: 1)
641. Validation of PCR primers/ probes - (reply: 6)
642. genomic DNA extraction from formalin fixed tissues (not embedded) for genotyping - (reply: 4)
643. Real time PCR sudenly not working - (reply: 1)
644. Buffer-composition One-Step RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
645. Two reverse primer sequences for a single forward primer - (reply: 1)
646. Tm variation - (reply: 1)
647. PCR with more than one primer - (reply: 1)
648. RAPD - PCR problem - (reply: 5)
649. Relative fold expression and Normalization fold expression - (reply: 2)
650. Strange Bands - (reply: 2)
651. Recommended tamplate DNA concentration for qPCR - (reply: 2)
652. RT / cDNA synthesis - (reply: 7)
653. How to best store PCR product? - (reply: 2)
654. smearing below band of interest - (reply: 5)
655. RT-PCR primer design - (reply: 1)
656. After PCR, One Band on 1.2% Agarose but 2 bands on 8M Urea, 8% PAGE - (reply: 1)
657. Odd gel run following PCR - (reply: 28)
658. Qiagen PCR Array Reagents? - (reply: 1)
659. Enough checks for gDNA contamination in qPCR? - (reply: 3)
660. plate stuck in ABI7300 - (reply: 8)