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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
331. qPCR reference gene testing help - (reply: 4)
332. protocol to relieve melanin inhibition of PCR - (reply: 4)
333. No bands despite different primers and conditions and TAqs - (reply: 8)
334. Multiplex TaqMan-like Assay PCR Efficiency - (reply: 3)
335. Wrong PCR product - (reply: 2)
336. Primer design - (reply: 5)
337. Repeated mutagensis primer in site-directed mutagenesis - (reply: 8)
338. Quantitative RT-PCR statistics help - (reply: 1)
339. PCR Primer trouble - (reply: 2)
340. I don't find housekeeping genes: what should I do? - (reply: 6)
341. Question about taq polymerase for multiplex PCR prior to NGS using Illumina tech - (reply: 1)
342. excess rna sample affect qpcr? - (reply: 2)
343. is it necessary to introduce mismatches in the inner primers of tetra primer ARM - (reply: 1)
344. finding the corrosponding primers - (reply: 2)
345. Gene sequence for Real time PCR - (reply: 2)
346. qPCR result of pooled samples - (reply: 1)
347. transcript variant X - (reply: 5)
348. RNA extraction for RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
349. PCR failing for transformed plant DNA but not for Agro - (reply: 3)
350. problems with gDNA doing real time PCR in yeast - (reply: 2)
351. Design PCR primers for cloning 3 copies of same insert - (reply: 2)
352. hybridization probe - (reply: 1)
353. How to get rid of bands in PCR negative control - (reply: 10)
354. Protocol for qPCR using the ABI SYBRŪ Green PCR Master Mix - (reply: 1)
355. standard curve using genomic dna - (reply: 1)
356. PCR problem - (reply: 2)
357. defining ratio of alternative spliced gene with qPCR - (reply: 14)
358. Poor efficiency standard curve - (reply: 2)
359. Normalization of qRT-PCR following nuclear/cytoplasmic fractionation - (reply: 4)