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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
931. which exon to choose when designing primers for RT-PCR? - splicing isoforms are different between NCBI and Genecard (reply: 3)
932. pcr contamination - (reply: 4)
933. Large Non-specfic bands in PCR - (reply: 3)
934. Pfaffl calculation for qpcr: what to enter for E value? - (reply: 2)
935. Distinguishing homozygous from hemizygous transformed plants - (reply: 13)
936. Primer dilution --> problem.. - (reply: 16)
937. no bands after pcr - even after we have change most of the reagents (reply: 2)
938. High resolution melting to gene scanning - (reply: 1)
939. Help! Smear in Real-Time PCR Product - (reply: 1)
940. Is one reference gene ever appropriate? - (reply: 3)
941. Sybr green RT-qPCR primer - (reply: 1)
942. Sybr green RT-qPCR primer - (reply: 1)
943. Designing primers - What is more important Ta or primer's Tm - (reply: 3)
944. Oligo Question - (reply: 1)
945. Please help! no PCR bands+Description of my PCR protocol provided :( - (reply: 8)
946. real time rt PCR - bloodyurine - inhibition - (reply: 1)
947. No Amplification in PCR - (reply: 4)
948. DNase treatment after RNA extraction using RNeasy kit of qiagen - DNaes treatment after RNA extraction (reply: 2)
949. Real time PCR and percentage loss - (reply: 1)
950. Problem with smear in PCR with certain templates - (reply: 4)
951. running multiple qPCR with common housekeeping control - (reply: 3)
952. Problems with PCR in general - (reply: 1)
953. Qiagen RT-PCR Kit (Rotor-Gene Q) - Which one should I use? (reply: 2)
954. Control inconsistence in Q-PCR - (reply: 1)
955. how to overcome primer contamination - need protocol (reply: 11)
956. To quantify cDNA or total RNA for real-time gene expression analysis? - (reply: 4)
957. sequencing problem - (reply: 1)
958. High Resolution Melting (HRM) Problem - (reply: 4)
959. Consistancy in qPCR data - (reply: 5)
960. RT-PCR primer design - Primer design and evaluation (reply: 7)