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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
991. Primers... - (reply: 1)
992. 18s as endogenous control for Oligo dT RT - Can we use 18s ? (reply: 2)
993. excel and propagation of error, qpcr - (reply: 1)
994. Reverse transcription (cDNA synthesis) curiosity and confusion - Does the amount of RNA have to be doubled if you double everything els (reply: 4)
995. primer with higher melting temperature - (reply: 2)
996. Omitting Points in Standard Curve - (reply: 2)
997. Triage of miRNA targets by qPCR - (reply: 1)
998. Smallest reaction volume with Roche Lightcycler 480 96-well plate format - (reply: 2)
999. qPCR primer design - possible off-target (reply: 1)
1000. Primer dimer formation and real-time PCR - (reply: 7)
1001. 5' race - (reply: 2)
1002. Identify PCR products - (reply: 3)
1003. Maximum size of overhangs in PCR - (reply: 6)
1004. water-droplets in my cycler !!! - experienced such thing ??? (reply: 9)
1005. a second small peak to the right to my pricipal peak!!! - (reply: 1)
1006. qPCR virgin, What do I do first? - How to set up experiment (reply: 1)
1007. Colony PCR doesn't work anymore - (reply: 5)
1008. Question about TM and Annealing temperatures - (reply: 4)
1009. RT-PCR t-test, and ANOVA - (reply: 1)
1010. PCR basics - I'm new to all things lab and need some help! (reply: 3)
1011. the red dye in trizol? - (reply: 2)
1012. Is it acceptable that qpcr reaction doesn't reach plateau? - (reply: 3)
1013. What are exogeneous and endogeneous controls? - (reply: 4)
1014. quantitate wild type and mutant mRNA - (reply: 1)
1015. Can very low RNA concentration cause Ct bias..? - (reply: 3)
1016. smear in pcr +DNA polymerase mixture for long PCR - (reply: 10)
1017. iScript BioRad cDNA synthesis yield - (reply: 1)
1018. High Ct value in Real Time RT PCR for NTC - Real Time RT PCR troubleshooting (reply: 5)
1019. intron spanning primers for non model organisms - (reply: 2)
1020. Using DNA as a reference in qRT-PCR - (reply: 1)