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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
31. How to minimize delta ct value when everything else worked well in qRT PCR - (reply: 1)
32. How to minimize delta ct value when everything else worked well in qRT PCR - (reply: 1)
33. RAPD PCR - (reply: 2)
34. Instrument blocklower error - (reply: 2)
35. Long pcr frustration and problem.. all help is Much appreciated - (reply: 3)
36. calculating ramp rate on thermocycler - urgent - (reply: 1)
37. How to check if my primers were degraded? - (reply: 2)
38. problem with PCR amplification of cDNA - (reply: 4)
39. Funny shaped PCR curve - (reply: 1)
40. How clean do I need my DNA to be? - (reply: 1)
41. Problematic DNA Extraction - (reply: 1)
42. Length of amplicon for RT real time PCR - (reply: 2)
43. The curve of sample one is ideal or not - (reply: 1)
45. Optimal dNTP storage pH - (reply: 1)
46. Recombinant DNA vaccine production - (reply: 9)
47. Amount of cDNA input in RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
48. Housekeeper Genes and Real-Time PCR - (reply: 1)
49. Pre-designed qRT-PCR primers - (reply: 1)
50. Same primers and different melting peaks for two samples (~1°C appart) - (reply: 2)
51. Gene expression in colonic tissues using qRT-PCR - (reply: 1)
52. qPCR run w. strong positive NTC signal but very low fluorescence - (reply: 1)
53. Designing primers with his-tag for pET28a+ vector - (reply: 3)
54. making your own qPCR kit! - (reply: 1)
55. Problem with TaqMan qPCR efficiency - (reply: 1)
56. High molecular weight band from my PCR - (reply: 3)
57. relative quantification - things to do before the actual qPCR - (reply: 3)
58. is it how total cDNA should look like? - (reply: 3)
59. testing primers efficiency for rt-PCR - (reply: 1)
60. -RT contamination problem in PCR - (reply: 5)