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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
811. How to calculate the price of PCR test per sample? - (reply: 6)
812. dilution help - (reply: 6)
813. rityProbe Integrity in Mastermix during loading 96 well plate - (reply: 2)
814. cloning with nested pcr - (reply: 3)
815. how to find 16srRNA sequences? - (reply: 3)
816. RNA extraction from a 1mm brain tissue punch - uncertain about homogenisation - (reply: 2)
817. What is the maxium amount of glycerol can be added in a PCR reaction? - (reply: 3)
818. PCR is amplifying non-specific fragment - (reply: 6)
819. Anybody know about temperature sensitivity of the AB TaqMan universal Mastermix - (reply: 4)
820. Measuring of cDNA bands density - (reply: 3)
821. real time RT-PCR problems - (reply: 2)
822. Maximum Annealing-Temperature for Real-Time? - (reply: 3)
823. Real-Time efficiencies and the pfaffl method - (reply: 1)
824. should I design primers spanning both intron and exon - (reply: 2)
825. RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
826. RNA extraction from FFPE cancer tissues for real-time RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
827. PCR with a very long and a short primer - (reply: 5)
828. qPCR in primary cells - housekeeping CT-values sample-specific bad - (reply: 1)
829. How to find that my RNA is not contaminated with gDNA, before running Real-Time - (reply: 5)
830. Dilution of 18s. How much? - (reply: 1)
831. Multiplex PCR does not work - (reply: 3)
832. Alternative to Sybr-green? - (reply: 12)
833. Multiple internal controls in using qPCR to measure gene duplication - (reply: 1)
834. ct value of neg - (reply: 1)
835. Help: Linear Amplification Using Hydrolysis Probes - (reply: 3)
836. Standard curve - (reply: 3)
837. Discuss about COLD-PCR - (reply: 3)
838. Comparison between two primers pairs? Is it possible? - (reply: 3)
839. Rt-PCR primer design - (reply: 7)
840. Length of non-binding sequence in primers with RE site - (reply: 6)