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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
781. big differnece in my primers Tm - (reply: 2)
782. Two-Step PCR - (reply: 2)
783. Gradient PCR - (reply: 2)
784. Weird qPCR curves - (reply: 11)
785. Problem with New qPCR primers - help! - (reply: 6)
786. Validation of microarray data by qPCR - (reply: 1)
787. Smallest insert in PCR - (reply: 6)
788. troubleshooting RT-PCR: possible nuclease issues? - (reply: 2)
789. loop-mediated amplification - (reply: 2)
790. Help with high Ct values for Real-Time PCR - (reply: 1)
791. the positive control works, but the sample gives no product - (reply: 1)
792. RT-PCR primers and the poly(A) tail - (reply: 2)
793. Problem with reference signal. - (reply: 9)
794. qRTPCR using taqman - (reply: 4)
795. SURE cells - (reply: 1)
796. Very late CP for control in rt-qPCR from RNAlater samples - (reply: 3)
797. No band in PCR - (reply: 5)
798. how to explain this arm-pcr result - (reply: 4)
799. Advantage of sybr green over ethidium bromide - (reply: 1)
800. qPCR analysis- can I use RQ? - (reply: 1)
801. overlapping primer - (reply: 1)
802. PCR primers help - (reply: 5)
803. PCR smear after one-month storage - (reply: 2)
804. Primer dimers - (reply: 2)
805. Error bars for qPCR; technical vs. biological replicate - (reply: 2)
806. HaCaT reference gene - (reply: 1)
807. Need help for PCR for AT rich gene - (reply: 3)
808. Amplify fragment in plasmid? - (reply: 4)
809. Relative quantification of different genes in single sample - same threshold val - (reply: 1)
810. Primer validation and PCR efficiency - (reply: 4)