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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
121. PCR anomaly in a mid-range dilution of the template - (reply: 2)
122. Reducing contamination in 16s PCR for metagenomic library prer - (reply: 4)
123. 2 peaks for identical sequences in HRM - (reply: 2)
124. PCR using very long oligos !!! - (reply: 4)
125. Housekeeping gene for Real Time PCR when comparing expression of genes across di - (reply: 1)
126. How to optimize a master mix kit? - (reply: 7)
127. pcr primer design - (reply: 6)
128. Please help (primer/ probe final volume calculations) - (reply: 1)
129. Primer design with EcoRI ends - (reply: 2)
130. qPCR normalization - (reply: 4)
131. Reference Gene/HKG- every plate - (reply: 2)
132. qPCR standard for lipase genes - (reply: 2)
133. PCR with overlapping primers only (primer extention) - (reply: 3)
134. Random chuck of nonsense in middle of PCR - (reply: 6)
135. Campylobacter jejuni qPCR targeting VS1 gene - (reply: 2)
136. RT-PCR analysis - (reply: 1)
137. Newbie to qPCR - (reply: 4)
138. real time qPCR standard range plasmid - (reply: 3)
139. New to PCR - (reply: 3)
140. How can I check the quality of bacterial primers and their specificity on blast? - (reply: 1)
141. Who can advise me a kit that would allow me to purify amplicons from quantitativ - (reply: 3)
142. 3-primer PCR Genotyping - problem in hemizygotes - (reply: 2)
143. t-test & qRT-PCR - (reply: 1)
144. Primer design - (reply: 1)
145. What % of colon cancer patients does a general colon PCR array detect - (reply: 1)
146. Primer non specific binding sites - (reply: 7)
147. Degenerate primers - (reply: 8)
148. Can you use same samples for real time pcr 2nd time? - (reply: 2)
149. Absolute quant with TaqMan - Different RT & different plates? - (reply: 1)
150. Staphylococcus aureus colony PCR - (reply: 1)