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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : PCR--RT-PCR-and-Real-Time-PCR
511. add template first or Syber mix first to reduce contamination in qPCR? - (reply: 3)
512. Strange looking "elevated" amplification plots from ChIP-qPCR samples - (reply: 2)
513. PCR-screening of T-DNA inserted in Arabidopsis gene - (reply: 1)
514. iCycler Calibration Question - (reply: 1)
515. Long PCR (>10kb) polymerase recommendations - (reply: 3)
516. thermocycler - real-time versus conventional? - (reply: 2)
517. I need help for designing a pair of primers for this sequence. - (reply: 1)
518. Change in Superscript lot influences transcript level of one gene but not others - (reply: 2)
519. 1/delta Ct vs delta delat CT - (reply: 1)
520. PCR band slightly BELOW expected length ?! - (reply: 14)
521. Does anyone have any problem with Quanta Sybr Green - (reply: 2)
522. Trouble correlating GU/ml qPCR results to cfu/ml plating results - (reply: 2)
523. long primers PCR - (reply: 4)
524. unexpected band in PCR with plasmid - (reply: 4)
525. qPCR [template] and [primer] troubleshooting...... - (reply: 1)
526. Good Protocol for Semi-Quantitative RT-PCR? - (reply: 1)
527. DNA extraction - PCR Problem - (reply: 3)
528. Real Time Trouble, low cTs - (reply: 3)
529. interpretation of results - (reply: 8)
530. Multiple Bands in qPCR - (reply: 4)
531. PCR product biotinylation - (reply: 3)
532. Tagged primers and a second PCR targetting the tags - (reply: 5)
533. Question about isolating DNA from the blood sample - (reply: 2)
534. RNA isolation with low number of cells (1*10^4 to 5*10^4) for RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
535. Universal ProbeLibrary for Human by ROCHE - (reply: 1)
536. role of water in PCR - (reply: 3)
537. minimum amount of RNA for RT_PCR - (reply: 1)
538. Is it possible to compare abundance of isoforms by qPCR - (reply: 6)
539. HIV gene- PCR - (reply: 3)
540. Real time PCR melting curve - (reply: 2)