Good Protocol for Semi-Quantitative RT-PCR? - (Jan/08/2013 )
I'm getting ready to start an experiment involving Semi-Quantitative RT-PCR (which I have never done, only quickly learned about in class). I was wondering if anyone knows of any good protocols which they rely on.
Also if anyone knows any good links to information on Semi-Quantitative RT-PCR, please let me know.
Thanks for your time and effort!
ACN on Tue Jan 8 15:57:03 2013 said:
I'm getting ready to start an experiment involving Semi-Quantitative RT-PCR (which I have never done, only quickly learned about in class). I was wondering if anyone knows of any good protocols which they rely on.
Also if anyone knows any good links to information on Semi-Quantitative RT-PCR, please let me know.
Thanks for your time and effort!
There's a very good pinned thread started by teatest HERE...and you can also check out the manual or accompanying documents of the real time PCR machine you'd be using eg Applied Biosystem has sample expts which may find useful...