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contamination - contamination (Jul/16/2009 )

Hi all,
i have a problem that there is signal in negative control in real time PCR?why is it caused?i use new reagents but contamination is found.what should i do?please help me.
best regards,


On possible cause is the formation of primer dimers. For this, one of the best (and most time efficient) approaches is to redesign your assay and try again. I typically design at least three assays, test them all together, and chose the best one.

Good luck


ivanbio on Jul 16 2009, 07:23 AM said:

On possible cause is the formation of primer dimers. For this, one of the best (and most time efficient) approaches is to redesign your assay and try again. I typically design at least three assays, test them all together, and chose the best one.

Good luck

thanks a lot. i 'll try it.
best regards,
