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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Protein-and-Proteomics
421. concentrating my sample - (reply: 4)
422. ethyl alcohol fraction - (reply: 1)
423. gene expression in E coli with PET21a vector - (reply: 1)
424. Proline and glutamic acid-rich sequences - (reply: 2)
425. Telomerase Western Blotting - (reply: 5)
426. BN-PAGE of purified membrane associated protein - (reply: 5)
427. Problems eluting a GST fusion protein in GSTrap FF - (reply: 6)
428. strong nonspecific in EMSA - (reply: 1)
429. Fusing permanently a phosphate molecule to a protein. - (reply: 4)
430. Co-immunoprecipitation and lysis buffers. Should I listen to my supervisor? - (reply: 2)
431. Can anyone help in relation to a Protease Assay? - (reply: 1)
432. Broader lanes on SDS PAGE - (reply: 2)
433. Wrong imidazole conc. - (reply: 1)
434. Precipitations in protein dialysis - (reply: 1)
435. Binding of reduced antibody to Protein-A?? - (reply: 1)
436. Native PAGE - (reply: 16)
437. western blotting - (reply: 1)
438. iTRAQ - (reply: 1)
439. applying cell culture protocol of protein extraction for rat intact tissue is co - (reply: 1)
440. change of sample color to yellow after addind Sample diluting bufer - (reply: 3)
441. Protein contamination with DNA - (reply: 5)
442. Can I solve my problem with Mascot/FIndPept...? - (reply: 1)
443. Maximum number of proteins - (reply: 1)
444. polyacrylamide gel problem....slipping - (reply: 5)
445. Western Blot for 320KD Protein - (reply: 4)
446. Can someone recommend a good proteomics company/facility with Orbitrap and can p - (reply: 1)
447. mass compatible silver staining - (reply: 1)
448. identification of the transfection efficiency - (reply: 4)
449. peptide blocking - (reply: 3)
450. Membrane proteins - (reply: 6)