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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Protein-and-Proteomics
91. No bands can be seen in my co-IP - (reply: 3)
92. trypsin digestion of 2D-PAGE protein spot - (reply: 2)
93. Can anyone recommend some immunoprecipitation kits? - (reply: 1)
94. Protein active site size calculation - (reply: 1)
95. Help with primary antibody - (reply: 2)
96. MAPK/MEK Inhibitor stored incorrectly! Is it still ok? - (reply: 2)
97. Sonication: why is foam bad? - (reply: 2)
98. pET SUMO: pros and cons? - (reply: 4)
99. cell lysis problem - (reply: 2)
100. silver stain destaining - (reply: 1)
101. Acetone precipitation and SDS removal - (reply: 3)
102. conflicting results - (reply: 6)
103. Strange band pattern in Western Blot - (reply: 1)
104. Western Blot: protein band did not appeared at the correct location - (reply: 3)
105. how to store the crosslink reagents (BS3, DSP)? - (reply: 1)
106. epitope tagging of protein - (reply: 1)
107. problem with Co-IP - (reply: 8)
108. Choosing MWCO For Dialysis Membrane - (reply: 3)
109. Resuspension of Protein after TCA Precipitation - (reply: 1)
110. Mysterious disappearing bands after blotting - (reply: 5)
111. Immunoprecipitation troubleshooting - (reply: 4)
112. problems with 1D SDS PAGE - (reply: 2)
113. Increase in enzyme activity - (reply: 1)
114. peptide concentration - (reply: 1)
115. Protein degradation SDS PAGE - (reply: 5)
116. Protein extraction from RNAlater - (reply: 1)
117. Is it possible to perform an MS analysis on an EMSA? - (reply: 2)
118. Can anyone help solve some troubles with co-immunoprecipitation? - (reply: 5)
119. Alternatives to mouse antibody for mouse tissue - (reply: 1)
120. Subcellular fractionation issues - MS analysis - (reply: 1)