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451. primer design for subclone - (reply: 2)
452. pT7SC vector - (reply: 1)
453. Mutagenesis and primer purity? - (reply: 4)
454. Problems cloning a tiny insert into a huge vector - (reply: 1)
455. Trouble-shooting PCR with Origene vectors - I cannot get PCR to work, and I have tried many approaches (reply: 11)
456. Self Circularization Problem with a 6KB vector - self ligation of a 6KB vector (reply: 1)
457. Maxiprep - (reply: 9)
458. Cloning with BAC - (reply: 2)
459. ligating into vector: sequencing trouble - vector sequences before RE but not after (reply: 1)
460. Amplifying cultures - quick question - (reply: 3)
461. gateway system - (reply: 2)
462. Simple sublconing not working - why? (reply: 10)
463. His tag fusion question - (reply: 2)
464. cloning problem - (reply: 1)
465. cloning, ligation, dephosphorylation - ligation, dephosphorylation (reply: 3)
466. Ligation of small insert - (reply: 4)
467. unable to clone into pET29b and pET32b - sticky end ligation failing (reply: 2)
468. Midi-prep problem - (reply: 5)
469. How long do you ligate? - (reply: 6)
470. Easy Question on seperating 1kb and 1.3kb gel bands - what percentage? (reply: 3)
471. Stability of plasmids in recA1 strains - (reply: 4)
472. subcloning into pET21b failing - (reply: 7)
473. how to check if restriction digestion has happened - (reply: 7)
474. What exactly does it mean by cloning a toxic gene - (reply: 2)
475. too much background in vector preps - Vector prep (reply: 6)
476. PCR to produce 1.6kbp insert in fragments - (reply: 5)
477. cloning 708bp PCR prodyct into pET101 vector (TOPO) - (reply: 2)
478. shotgun cloning: gel shows inserts but only plasmid sequence obtained - (reply: 1)
479. Cloning without any digestion and ligation prosedures - GATEWAY Cloning Technology (reply: 3)
480. Digestion dilemma - (reply: 5)