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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Protein-Expression-and-Purification
601. seeking help in stable cell line generation - (reply: 3)
602. BL 21 cells - (reply: 4)
603. Thiamine HCl 1M solution? - can I store it at RT? (reply: 2)
604. Low level of expression - in pASK-IBA7 vector (reply: 6)
605. dnase treatment before his-tag purification - (reply: 3)
606. protein aggregation problem - (reply: 3)
607. protein precipitates out during concentrating it - (reply: 2)
608. how to put in evidence protein after IP - (reply: 2)
609. GST-fusion protein purification - How to purify it? (reply: 9)
610. IPTG - (reply: 2)
611. Protein lysis buffer - (reply: 4)
612. IP low protein and MS - (reply: 1)
613. Inducible expression in human cell line - suggestions for a good system? (reply: 4)
614. Microcon troubles - Very low recovery (reply: 4)
615. Trouble with protein expression in E.coli - No expression of ~ 9-11 kDa protein (reply: 2)
616. Antibody-beads crosslink - troubles (reply: 5)
617. What is stringent vector? - Is it related to level of expression? (reply: 2)
618. Elution problens - My protein is not eluting in urea 8M buffer ... oh shitt!! (reply: 1)
619. expression vector in E. coli - the best expression vector in E. coli (reply: 5)
620. Concentrating Protein - protein precipitates upon concentrating (reply: 1)
621. Endogenous protein purification - (reply: 2)
622. Protein in and out of solution - (reply: 1)
623. Protein extraction from rat aorta - (reply: 3)
624. heterodimer - bicistronic vector? (reply: 2)
625. stripped Ni column turn brown yellow - (reply: 1)
626. Making Recombinant Proteins - (reply: 2)
627. GST- protein, batch purification - no protein after elution (reply: 3)
628. Nickel IMAC - How to avoid unwanted proteins? - (reply: 4)
629. Insoluble TEV Protease - (reply: 2)
630. How to elute this protein?! - (reply: 5)

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