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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : General-Lab-Techniques
1051. Electron microscopy - vapour fixation????????????????????????????????? (reply: 1)
1052. Single cell suspension from solid tumor - (reply: 3)
1053. GUS histochemistry assay - No staining present (reply: 1)
1054. Tris base or HCl? - which one to use? (reply: 5)
1055. Fibrin clot scaffold - (reply: 2)
1056. densidometric analysis with scans - no gels available!!! (reply: 4)
1057. DNA loading buffer - (reply: 2)
1058. Annealing Issues - (reply: 2)
1059. Serial Dilution- need help - (reply: 1)
1060. any shouldering in these peaks? - need help urgently (reply: 1)
1061. Reducing Pipetting Error? - How to improve... (reply: 3)
1062. Transporting some bacteria cells - transport bacteria cells pellet (reply: 2)
1063. Problem with Imidazole! - (reply: 3)
1064. Dilution confusion!!! - how to express in ratios??!!! (reply: 18)
1065. How to clean-up 96-well microplates? - to re-use 96-well plates for PCR and sequencing (reply: 4)
1066. Cryopreservation of tissue in 50mL centrifuge tube (Urgent) - (reply: 2)
1067. pH hepes - ...will NaCl & CaCl2 change the pH of hepes? (reply: 3)
1068. Shelf life of self prepared solvents - Discussion about shelf life of self prepared solvents (reply: 2)
1069. Transfection into eukaryotic cells - (reply: 1)
1070. How to prepare ascorbic acids - (reply: 4)
1071. how to prepare degass H2O or buffer...? - (reply: 1)
1072. White spots on lab bench - (reply: 9)
1073. Freezing Solution - (reply: 1)
1074. Centrifuging resins - (reply: 1)
1075. what is c.p phenol? - (reply: 6)
1076. Oxygen Cylinder Safety - Does the main tank valve need to be shut off? (reply: 1)
1077. Cryopreservation - Mr. Frosty (reply: 1)
1078. Cryopreservation - Effect of isoprpanol contact (reply: 1)
1079. How to prepare this solution ? - (reply: 4)
1080. Isobutanol extraction of DNA - (reply: 2)