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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : General-Lab-Techniques
541. precipitation of copper in minimal medium - (reply: 5)
542. PVDF membrane silver staining protocol - (reply: 5)
543. SYBR gold post-stain makes blurry gels - (reply: 1)
544. Store western samples in NP-40 lysis buffer? - (reply: 1)
545. Zinc acetate buffer - (reply: 1)
546. Need help for prepping western samples with NP-40 - (reply: 7)
547. ethanol in final DNA sample - (reply: 1)
548. Bile test for Lactobacillus - (reply: 16)
549. How to release fixed nuclei from slide - (reply: 2)
550. Clumpy competent cells - (reply: 3)
551. pkD46 vector growth in E.coli problem - (reply: 8)
552. Creating a growth curve for bacteria- reaching various log phases - (reply: 1)
553. Question about Southern blotting - (reply: 2)
554. Bradford assay blank....why bother?? - (reply: 3)
555. Do you know about reverse pipetting? A survey - (reply: 17)
556. How to avoid crystal formation after fixation by formaldehyde - (reply: 15)
557. Change in the pH of stock solution - (reply: 13)
558. Best Southern Blot detection method??? - (reply: 1)
559. Dilution problem - (reply: 3)
560. Question about lab logs - (reply: 1)
561. Resuspending bacteria to a certain OD600 - (reply: 10)
562. GFP fusion protein not expressing! - (reply: 2)
563. Transfer of proteins from gel to PVDF for short period - (reply: 3)
564. Micrograms from concentration? - (reply: 1)
565. Ampicillin kills my hands! - (reply: 4)
566. Washing bacteria - (reply: 1)
567. Discard acrylamide solution - (reply: 3)
568. UV safety - (reply: 3)
569. plasmid;GI; ACESSION NUMBER - (reply: 2)
570. How dangerous are non-viral vectors? - (reply: 3)