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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : General-Lab-Techniques
1501. Storing plasmid at 4 degrees C - (reply: 5)
1502. Cellular Destruction - (reply: 4)
1503. tartrazine testing - tartrazine (reply: 1)
1504. design primer - when I design a primer is it necessary to include the restriction (reply: 1)
1505. Guaiacol concentration - (reply: 1)
1506. Lysozyme stock - (reply: 4)
1507. Sucrose best before - (reply: 3)
1508. Alternative to ethidium bromide - cheap and stable (reply: 9)
1509. artifacts in inmunofluorescence - (reply: 2)
1510. Casting polymer films by high volatile solvent evaporation - Practical method to avoid bubbles (reply: 3)
1511. water soluble vitamin - (reply: 7)
1512. Denatured ethanol - (reply: 3)
1513. Citrate buffer preparation - extraction buffer preparation (reply: 3)
1514. bacterial growth - (reply: 1)
1515. SOB media - (reply: 4)
1516. how to prepare RNase from powder form? - (reply: 9)
1517. Problem with Colony PCR - Problem with gel for colony PCR (reply: 3)
1518. dilution question help - (reply: 6)
1519. Is there an optimal incubation time for cell lysis? - (reply: 7)
1520. I've pH'd too far. - (reply: 6)
1521. acetic acid or TFA? - (reply: 1)
1522. Measuring whole GFP bacteria - why doesn't it work?!?! (reply: 4)
1524. Brown/Opaque 10 or 15ml tubes - (reply: 5)
1525. HPLC manual injector - inconsistent data (reply: 5)
1526. Northern transfer - how to make sure complete and efficient transfer has taken place (reply: 4)
1527. question about bigdye - (reply: 4)
1528. Histology/Paraffin Embedding - Protocols and Trouble shooting (reply: 2)
1529. How important is it to add exactly 1 volume? - phenol:chloroform (reply: 3)
1530. basic dilution question - (reply: 5)