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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : General-Lab-Techniques
1441. Bradford Assay - How do you calculate ug concentration??? (reply: 3)
1442. DNA storage @ room temp on filter paper - (reply: 2)
1443. Resuspend bacterial pellet - (reply: 4)
1444. surface biotinylation - (reply: 1)
1445. Vortexing genomic DNA, detrimental or not? - (reply: 8)
1446. Can DMSO expire? - (reply: 2)
1447. Cell plating calculation !! - Help needed with Cell plating calculation !! (reply: 2)
1448. Abnormal Nanodrop Results for pTurbo EcoRI digest - (reply: 7)
1449. Storage condition for SDS-PAGE reagents?? - which type of bottels?? (reply: 3)
1450. Thermal stability of H202 - stability of H2O2 in hot agar (reply: 1)
1451. strength of protein interaction for co Ip - (reply: 1)
1452. Precipitate formation during PH adjustment - (reply: 2)
1453. BL21(DE3) vs contamination - (reply: 2)
1454. How to homogenize cell without disruption of nuclei? - (reply: 2)
1455. Maintain -80 freezer temperature? - How can we keep it from dropping too quickly? (reply: 6)
1456. Help!! SDS page problem - (reply: 4)
1457. DNA extraction from saliva/buccal swabs - (reply: 5)
1458. How to separate large size plasmids ~12kb - (reply: 8)
1459. Agarose gel problem.. plz help - (reply: 11)
1460. Firefly Luciferase Assay - variation in FL reading (reply: 2)
1461. simultaneous extraction of nucleic acids and proteins - (reply: 3)
1462. Agarose gel electrophoresis problems - (reply: 7)
1463. HPLC trouble shooting - Glutamate estimation (reply: 2)
1464. Reamplification after agarose gel extraction - problems with reamplification of a band after purification form gel (reply: 4)
1465. Calculation using molecular weight... - how to calculate??? (reply: 3)
1466. WHen you autoclave - Use aluminium foil (reply: 16)
1467. Making TrisHCL containing MgCl2 - (reply: 1)
1468. ImageJ - Staining Density Quantification (reply: 1)
1469. Centrifuge - Want to know important principles (reply: 11)
1470. dilution question - (reply: 4)