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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Cell-Biology
751. Immunocytochemistry - (reply: 3)
752. How to increase IF signal in acetone/methanol fixed cells? - (reply: 5)
753. Mitochondrial membrane potential gain - (reply: 1)
754. Outer membrane preparation protocol. - (reply: 1)
755. Working gene-coding plasmid does not produce transcript or protein - (reply: 2)
756. Has anyone done a comparison between LDH and Adenylate kinase cytotoxicity assay - Your imput is needed (reply: 2)
757. INS-1 cell line - (reply: 1)
758. Osteoclasts - (reply: 4)
759. Cell counting issues - the ring of death on my flasks (reply: 5)
760. How can I avoid the bubbles in the glass slide? - (reply: 1)
761. Cell Fixation - methanol fixation of cells (reply: 3)
762. Annexin V staining in combination with other antibodies - (reply: 4)
763. monocyte devired macrophage - (reply: 1)
764. effect of calcium and magnesium during PBMC isolation? - (reply: 1)
765. Cell will I know - I need the mitochondria. (reply: 1)
766. Expression of a GFP-tagged protein - (reply: 2)
767. 1,25 Vit D3 reactivity - (reply: 1)
768. LysoSensor Blue DND-167 - (reply: 1)
769. Contamination in Transfection Agent - How do I decontaminate transfection agent? (reply: 7)
770. Anybody ever use whole blood plasma serum stimulate cells? - (reply: 2)
771. CHO or VERO? - Cell culture (reply: 2)
772. Freeze down primary monocytes? - (reply: 1)
773. N-Acetylcysteine - (reply: 2)
774. Best lentiviral vector - (reply: 2)
775. Oxygen diffusion through cell culture medium - (reply: 2)
776. Vibrating microtome vs Tissue slicers - Which is better? (reply: 1)
777. HepG2 siRNA transfection - (reply: 1)
778. How much sonication power needed? - protein extraction from cells (reply: 2)
779. Paraformaldehyde fixation! - in IHC (reply: 1)
780. 90% confluency - (reply: 12)

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