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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Cell-Biology
451. MDA-MB-231: Triple negative or basal like breast cancer? - (reply: 1)
452. Length of incubation for transwell migration assay - some advice on normal range (reply: 2)
453. Info about A7r5 cell culture - (reply: 1)
454. Viability of intracellular bacteria - (reply: 1)
455. Continuation? Kombucha Tea and MCF-7 - (reply: 5)
456. Glucose in epithelial cell - (reply: 1)
457. eGFP measurement in live mammalian cells - No difference between controls (reply: 2)
458. how to minimize the variation among the replicas - transcient transfection (reply: 4)
459. Growing RAW 264.7 in suspension culture - (reply: 9)
460. Mycoplasma detection - (reply: 2)
461. Cloning Problems/ Help - (reply: 2)
462. 96 well plate contamination issue - getting contamination in random wells (reply: 3)
463. short question for 4% PFA - (reply: 1)
464. MDA-MB-231 cell culture issue - after thawing first passage is fine, next goes bad (reply: 7)
465. barbital buffer???? - what for??? (reply: 1)
466. NFKb signalling in cell line ??? - (reply: 2)
467. How to find NFKb signalling is active in a cell line??? - (reply: 2)
468. dual luciferase reporter?? - (reply: 2)
469. Most Effective Transfection Reagent for MDA MB 231 - (reply: 1)
470. Homemade Renilla Luciferase Substrate? - How to make Renilla Luciferase Substrate (reply: 1)
471. Fixing YFP cells - (reply: 2)
472. Strange infection In EPC cells - I could use help identifying them... (reply: 6)
473. Rescue RAW cell culture - RAW cells past confluent point... can they be rescued? (reply: 4)
474. cell cycle arrest by colcemid - (reply: 2)
475. THP cells? what does THP stands for?????????? - (reply: 1)
476. Apoptosis induction - for vero and mcf-7 cells (reply: 5)
477. Penicillin and Strep - (reply: 8)
478. cGMP detection - Lookting for cGMP measurement method (reply: 1)
479. Fibronectin coating: BSA vs no BSA - (reply: 1)
480. Cell culture contamination question - what the hell are these things?? - (reply: 3)

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