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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Cell-Biology
841. Lentivirus - specific promoter expression during prodution (reply: 6)
842. Freezing cells, quick question - (reply: 1)
843. Best place to buy cells - (reply: 2)
844. UV Spec Filters - (reply: 2)
845. Stability of metronidazole in water - (reply: 2)
846. help on generation of stable cell lines with pBabe vector - pBabe-puro, phoenix Ampho cells (reply: 7)
847. DMSO usage in cell culture - (reply: 9)
848. Phenol red in media - What metabolic products of cells are acidic? (reply: 2)
849. Doubling time / Cytotoxicity assay - (reply: 1)
850. Media prep question - (reply: 6)
851. MMP 9 isolation using sepharose beads - tagging gelatin to sepharose beads (reply: 1)
852. serum starvation - (reply: 1)
853. transient transfection efficiency - (reply: 2)
854. BAEC serum starvation and permeability test - (reply: 1)
855. Trizol - RNA extraction (reply: 5)
856. Phoenix packaging cell and diphtheria toxin - (reply: 3)
857. Why GI50? - (reply: 1)
858. 293s, transfection and MTT assay - help! (reply: 3)
859. breaking down flocculated/aggregated yeast - (reply: 1)
860. Increase Signal - (reply: 1)
861. ATG8/LC3 western-blotting - Are E-64d and Pepstatin A necessary (reply: 3)
862. black mouse spleens? - (reply: 5)
863. Cells dying before i can get them to in vitro assay - (reply: 1)
864. RAW264.7 murine macrophage - (reply: 2)
865. clinically relevant doses of drug - (reply: 2)
866. culture C6/36 insect cell lines - (reply: 1)
867. how to charcoal strip media - need to remove hormones (reply: 5)
868. seeding cell densities - seeding cells at same density (reply: 1)
869. fibroblasts transfection - (reply: 1)
870. Src kinase - (reply: 2)

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