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Top : Forum Archives: : siRNA--microRNA-and-RNAi
181. please recommend some common miRNA expression vectors - (reply: 2)
182. RNA concentration issue for miRNA array - (reply: 4)
183. Confusion about miRNA list - (reply: 4)
184. Dual Luciferase assay - What does pRLTK have? (reply: 1)
185. lentivirus tranfection problem - (reply: 3)
186. siRNA knock down did not work - protein expression knock down by siRNA (reply: 4)
187. shrna NRGβ1a type III (AF194438) - (reply: 1)
188. General List of Off Target Effects of siRNA - (reply: 1)
189. newbie questions on RNAi / microRNAs - (reply: 3)
190. siRNA transfection of TWO targets simultaneously - Any experience/advice? (reply: 1)
191. reprobing small RNA blots with U6 - (reply: 1)
192. Scramble siRNA shows increase in gene expression by Taqman RTPCR - (reply: 1)
193. knocking down mature miRNA with siRNA - is it possible to knockdown miRNA with siRNA? (reply: 4)
194. siRNA positive control - (reply: 3)
195. ask for RNAi vetor - (reply: 2)
196. detect siRNA derived from shRNA construct - (reply: 5)
197. co transfection plasmid and siRNA - message from gmgabriel68 (reply: 1)
198. RNAi or Antisense oligos for inhibition in vitro and in vivo - (reply: 1)
199. miRNA in different size - (reply: 2)
200. qRT-PCR and Northern blot - Is miRNA Northern blot necessary? (reply: 2)
201. SiRNA in MIN6 cells, nucleofection - (reply: 1)
202. Morpholinos knockdown miRNA in Xenopus embryos - New paper (reply: 2)
203. shRNA testing - (reply: 1)
204. 3' oligolabeling non radioactive end-labeling - (reply: 3)
205. fluorescent dUTP x P32 - northern blot (reply: 3)
206. HEK293 - (reply: 2)
207. how to detect double strand siRNA - (reply: 2)
208. siRNA transfection - (reply: 5)
209. Can RNase A degrade miRNA? - (reply: 12)
210. how to analyze transfection efficiency of miRNAs? - (reply: 3)

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