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61. help with SNPs - (reply: 4)
62. a quantitative DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
63. mouse genotyping - (reply: 1)
64. Inbreeding Coefficient - calculation steps (reply: 2)
65. can you recommend me books about linkage? - (reply: 1)
66. genotype frequency - (reply: 1)
67. mutation by gamma ray - why gamma ray? (reply: 3)
68. classical genetics problem - classical genetics (reply: 4)
69. Linkage analysis and how to locate genes? - (reply: 1)
70. genetic engineering - (reply: 4)
71. UV dose calculations - (reply: 1)
72. Innateness - (reply: 1)
73. mtiochondrial DNA: Is introns included? - Is there any introns in mtDNA? (reply: 2)
74. how to test the genetic contribution of modifier gene to the disease in multiple - (reply: 1)
75. Human polymorphic sites database? - to compare if two patients have the same alelle (reply: 6)
76. DNA - (reply: 1)
77. multiple displacement amplification - (reply: 2)
78. Obligate recombination? - (reply: 3)
79. too many hits on Blast for primers / microsatellite - (reply: 4)
80. Location of a gene in several chromosomes_Is that possible? - (reply: 4)
81. Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) - (reply: 1)
82. sequenced genome - (reply: 2)
83. not equilibrium HW microsatelites - (reply: 2)
84. diploid - (reply: 2)
85. Reproduction - (reply: 2)
86. Codons particularly vunerable to mutation? - (reply: 3)
87. what is vault RNA ? - (reply: 2)
88. chromosomes - (reply: 1)
89. Why the DNA sequence big different but protein the similarity? - such as MAOA and MAOB genes (reply: 4)
90. ARMS PCR - Will it work? (reply: 2)

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