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Top : Forum Archives: : Bioinformatics-and-Biostatistics
121. IDentification blues - (reply: 1)
122. NCBI gene sequence SOURCE? - (reply: 7)
123. Need some advice about microarray of T fusca - (reply: 1)
124. Cochran-Armitage trend test software - Any free online calculator/tutorial (reply: 2)
125. Suggestion for finding nuclear and nucleolar localization signals... - Online Softwares for localization signals... (reply: 2)
126. Bioinformatics - (reply: 2)
127. PLZ tell me how to invite a speaker for a lecture? - (reply: 7)
128. looking for beta tester - (reply: 5)
129. software for doing sequence alignments - (reply: 6)
130. Base calling - Base calling (reply: 1)
131. Statistics group - (reply: 1)
132. Normalization - (reply: 1)
133. Adjusting for population differences between samples... - (reply: 2)
134. analysis of my sequence - help me out in this!!!!! (reply: 2)
135. Time constant of an event - (reply: 2)
136. Statistics help with real-time relative quantification (RQ) values - (reply: 2)
137. Linear Regression - (reply: 4)
138. programme to predict amphipathic helices in a protein aminoacid sequence - (reply: 1)
139. Mr bayes in windows or mac? - (reply: 1)
140. Phylogeny Programs - (reply: 4)
141. Free statistics software for dummies - Anyone could recommend? (reply: 8)
142. Distribution of nucleotides in genetic sequences - It is not random but what is the rule? (reply: 7)
143. pseudomonas promomter - possible to exectly identify it ? (reply: 1)
144. Exon + Intron Sequence - (reply: 5)
145. Promoter and Exons... - can my promoter be over 100,000 bp away? (reply: 4)
146. Expensive genetic statistics softwares. R they essential? - Expensive genetic statistics softwares. R they essential? (reply: 4)
147. gene prediction tools - (reply: 1)
148. How to find a gene in a genome that has a high frequency of specific amino acid? - (reply: 1)
149. i want to know what computer programme i should learn? - (reply: 4)
150. Help with LINES SINES and Genomic elements - (reply: 1)

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