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Top : Forum Archives: : Bioinformatics-and-Biostatistics
151. Deletion mutant protein prediction - (reply: 3)
152. picking primers - (reply: 4)
153. How to search the peptide sequence based on its ID - Peptide ID, sequence (reply: 1)
154. Help with estrogen receptor 1 promoter search - (reply: 4)
155. Installing Staden package - problems with libraries - (reply: 2)
156. Any online tutorial/book available for a beginner in genetic statistical analysi - (reply: 1)
157. How to convert a sequence into .PDB? - (reply: 2)
158. Suggested tool for protein analysis? - (reply: 4)
159. bioinformatics forum - any other bioinformatics forum (reply: 5)
160. primer design (downloadable) programs - not online tools (reply: 4)
161. gel compar II - (reply: 1)
162. problems with synteny - (reply: 3)
163. Bootstrap values -please help - (reply: 3)
164. how to find p53 bibding site in my target gene promoter - (reply: 4)
165. primer design for unknown cDNA sequence - (reply: 1)
166. free software for pathway analysis - (reply: 1)
167. GC plot - GC content of a gene in a plot? (reply: 2)
168. Untranslated Region (UTR) - (reply: 6)
169. primers dont match FASTA gene sequence... 'm confused - (reply: 11)
170. How to find promoter region of rat gene? - (reply: 2)
171. phyml - (reply: 1)
172. How to merge different EPS/PDF image files side by side into one image - (reply: 4)
173. comparing difference in gene expression - (reply: 2)
174. How to analyze the result from TargetP? - (reply: 1)
175. video capturing software - searching software for videomicroscopy (reply: 3)
176. Ho to calculate significance?(p-value) - (reply: 5)
177. Which test? compare individual to known mean for group - statistical analysis method (reply: 2)
178. good statistics program - (reply: 22)
179. Finding a target gene sequence in rat genome using a mice gene - How to find the delta opioid receptor gene in rat if the sequence is k (reply: 2)
180. Phylogenetic tree - (reply: 2)

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