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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

451. automated protein structure search - (reply: 4)
452. IS my sequence in coding or in noncoding region??? - (reply: 1)
453. Statistics help - (reply: 2)
454. Draw PCR primer locations - PCR primer (reply: 4)
455. how to design PCR site-directed multiple mutagenesis - (reply: 1)
456. Promoter sequence - ensembl vs BLAST (reply: 4)
457. What to do? - (reply: 6)
458. codon usage - (reply: 4)
459. Repost: A nice Word Addon for sequence manipulation and analysis - (reply: 4)
460. Sequence alignment with respect to a motif - (reply: 4)
461. How to find the transcription factor that binds to a known sequence? - transcription factor (reply: 2)
462. protein structure prediction - (reply: 1)
463. Program to draw plasmids - draw plasmids (reply: 9)
464. Tool for manipulating trees on Linux - (reply: 4)
465. ImageJ problem - (reply: 2)
466. Anova again, one or two factors ? - (reply: 2)
467. log transformed data - still not normal (reply: 2)
468. promoter region - (reply: 1)
469. graphing/statistical software - (reply: 5)
470. One-way or Two-way ANOVA?? - Please help with my stats! (reply: 3)
471. Program to predict transcription factor binding sites - (reply: 1)
472. homolog database - Want to convert mouse to rat (reply: 5)
473. Free Statistics - Website (reply: 2)
474. Programme for degenerate primer design - Programme for primer design (reply: 9)
475. Concepts and Application of Inferential Statistics - free (reply: 1)
476. RT-PCR primer design guide - How to check gene structure and design the primer? - Recovered post (reply: 4)
477. Phylogenetic tree for known genomes - I dont know how to write a tree in Newick format for known genomes?? (reply: 1)
478. Handbook of Biological Statistics - (reply: 12)

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