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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Pharmacology-and-Pharmaceutics
31. Does LY means Lilly? - (reply: 1)
32. Pharmacology Magazines - Complimentary magazines in Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics (reply: 1)
33. mass spectra of methanolic extract of withania somnifera - (reply: 4)
34. National Cancer Institute drug screening. growth inhibition parameters?? - (reply: 2)
35. effectiveness of drug - (reply: 1)
36. Why does my CYP3A mRNA level increase then decrease? - (reply: 1)
37. Testing cytoxixity on healthy human cells - (reply: 2)
38. MTT assay for cytotoxicity studies? - (reply: 1)
39. Drug Screening in mice - looking for a company doing drug--screening? (reply: 2)
40. Exposing Cell Lines to Drugs Metabolized by Liver Microsomes - (reply: 1)
41. Calcium assay: Buffer gives increase in signal, similar to agonist - (reply: 2)
42. EC50, ED50? - (reply: 1)
43. RPMI 1640 - (reply: 1)
44. oscillating effect after drug administration - any example please (reply: 2)
45. HaCaT cells - (reply: 2)
46. In Vitro Drug Exposure Cytotoxicity Testing and Cell Confluency - (reply: 8)
47. crude or extract which is better - (reply: 6)
48. what is the solution when tween80 or DMSO are not enough to dissolve plant extra - (reply: 7)
49. database for LD50 - (reply: 5)
50. Half life o acetaminophen - on culture media (reply: 1)
51. How to improve EC50? EC50= Half maximal effective concentration - Please please help! (reply: 1)
52. EC50 or pD2 values for ACh, Histamine and MCh - Where to find a standard value?? (reply: 1)
53. gum acacia control - (reply: 3)
54. Beagle model - (reply: 1)
55. Reconstitute drugs in water? - (reply: 4)
56. Plotting curves with different scales in the same graph - (reply: 2)
57. Expression of human protein in mice in-vivo - (reply: 3)
58. GPC standards: Pullulan or PS-OBG? - (reply: 1)
59. book of drug development process - (reply: 3)
60. methanolic extract of withania somnifera (ashwagandha) - (reply: 7)

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