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Smear Related Discussions
  1. please help! I have a great northern blot trouble - giant smear (reply: 1)
  2. Why am I only getting smears for my genomic DNA long-distance PCR products? - It worked great with sheep BACs but failed miserably for genomic DNA (reply: 4)
  3. PCR Optimization Question - Non-specific smearing around target level? (reply: 6)
  4. MSP gives smear only - (reply: 4)
  5. Optimum annealing temperature were fail with no band and just smearing - Optimum annealing temperature were fail with no band and just smearing (reply: 18)
  6. Large smear in PCR - (reply: 2)
  7. ChIP sonication:different smear in cross-linked and non-corsslinked samples - (reply: 8)
  8. IP elution off of dynabeads - boiling gives a smear (reply: 4)
  9. Help troubleshoot SDS gel - smear down well - (reply: 2)
  10. smearing of proteins during transfer - (reply: 10)
  11. DNA polymerase that produces blunt end and doesnt smear! - (reply: 2)
  12. Miniprep DNA digestion smear - (reply: 15)
  13. Ugly smears in SDS-PAGE after MeOH precipitation - (reply: 2)
  14. Just a smear of proteins after ponceau red - Western Blot (reply: 4)
  15. Genomic DNA smears on gel - (reply: 5)
  16. Smearing in PCR - (reply: 4)
  17. DNA smears after digestion - DNA smears after digestion (reply: 6)
  18. BSP to test imprinted genes DNA methylation of oocytes - no specific or smear bands! (reply: 4)
  19. 2 week old maxiprep DNA smearing - (reply: 4)
  20. smear when cutting plasmids previously checked - (reply: 4)
  21. High MW smear - how can I get all protein into the gel? - (reply: 3)
  22. ChIP PCR problems - I can't get rid of the smears! - (reply: 6)
  23. Fusion PCR problem: smear! - (reply: 3)
  24. Digest-Ligase-PCR Problems (T-DNA fingerprinting gone wrong) - After ligating digested product and doing PCR on it i get no DNA smear (reply: 2)
  25. Getting smear problems in plasmid run - (reply: 8)
  26. smearing in the restriction digested products - (reply: 2)
  27. Non-DNase related smear of digested DNA? - (reply: 4)
  28. PCR smear with CHIP - (reply: 2)
  29. Smear in PCR after ChIP - (reply: 2)
  30. Purification of digested PCR product (a smear fr 200bp to 3kb) - (reply: 1)
  31. Colony PCR running as smears - (reply: 1)
  32. Unnatural smear in PCR product - (reply: 7)
  33. Check Mouse Estrous Cycle using Vaginal Smear - (reply: 2)
  34. Smear in WB - (reply: 4)
  35. Elution of a smear from acrylamide gel - Electrophoresis and gel elution (reply: 2)
  36. smearing in PCR product - (reply: 4)
  37. getting rid of RCR smears - (reply: 3)
  38. Smearing antibody and DTT - how to interpret the gel? - Aggregated antibody (reply: 1)
  39. HELP! In-vitro transcription results only in smear! - (reply: 2)
  40. Can primers go bad and give a smear in PCR? - (reply: 12)
  41. smear in degenerate PCR - (reply: 3)
  42. ChIP: I get smear after PCR? - (reply: 2)
  43. smearing at top of resolving gel - SDS-PAGE (reply: 1)
  44. getting smear in PCR - (reply: 3)
  45. Qiagen EpiTect - Kit - No PCR product after BSP, only smear! (reply: 11)
  46. smear in miniprep DNA - (reply: 4)
  47. problem with smear - (reply: 1)
  48. Plasmid DNA Isolation problems, contaminating chromosoma DNA - How to isolate large inserts by miniprep and without chromosomal smearing (reply: 4)
  49. Smear on gel after MiniPrep - Is this RNA? (reply: 10)
  50. smears on gel.. - REASONS (reply: 4)
  51. smear in PCR - No consistancy in amplification (reply: 3)
  52. Smearing of the PCR Products - (reply: 10)
  53. ChIP sonication problem: too wide range of smear - too wide range of smear (reply: 9)
  54. Problem of Smear in PCR - Getting Smear in negetive control (reply: 4)
  56. smearing in bands after digestion? - Why does a smear appear after digestion? (reply: 4)
  57. gel shift assay help- big smear lane - (reply: 2)
  58. Smearing in "Overlap Extension PCR" - (reply: 1)
  59. Smear in PCR - (reply: 5)
  60. Smear in Native PAGE - (reply: 1)
  61. SMear instead of PCR product - (reply: 3)
  62. smearing in negative control as well - (reply: 3)
  63. Smearing of protein samples from whole tissue lysates - (reply: 6)
  64. What does the term "smear" mean in PCR ? - (reply: 3)
  65. Smearing in nested pcr product - (reply: 2)
  66. PCR smears are getting me crazy! - (reply: 1)
  67. 38kda protein appearing as smear on western - (reply: 5)
  68. PCR smear in samples and negative control - (reply: 5)
  69. smear band in southern hybridization - (reply: 2)
  70. Smear after PCR - No band but smear were found from my samples (reply: 3)
  71. Blank smears on western blot - (reply: 7)
  72. EMSA- high background and smear shift - seeking help (reply: 2)
  73. The long smear in negative control - (reply: 4)
  74. PCR on PCR of cDNA smear - (reply: 1)
  75. smear problem - (reply: 2)
  76. Smearing of Positive DNA Samples (NOW with JPEG!) - (reply: 3)
  77. Smearing of Positive DNA Samples - (reply: 1)
  78. PCR Smear - (reply: 2)
  79. RNA extraction with smear after electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  80. ssDNA smear during gel shift - (reply: 3)
  81. U-shaped smear on EMSA gel - (reply: 1)
  82. RNA electrophoresis- samples smearing but NOT degraded - (reply: 3)
  83. Smears on agarose gel, contamination? - (reply: 4)
  84. Smearing after IP - (reply: 2)
  85. what's wrong? Plasmid digestion produce only smear - (reply: 6)
  86. wrong sized bands/smear in both nested MSP PCRs - (reply: 5)
  87. PCR product on gel as smear - DNA isolated from paraffin blocks why smear? (reply: 1)
  88. plasmids turnedinto smears after NcoI digestion - restriction enzyme problem (reply: 1)
  89. smear of loading buffer observed - SDS-PAGE gel (reply: 5)
  90. Smearing after immunoprecipitation - Smearing after immunoprecipitation (reply: 1)
  91. Yeast grows as smear instead of colonies - (reply: 1)
  92. Smear at sides of a lane. - (reply: 4)
  93. Why I always get smear in the third step of TAIL-PCR? - TAIL-PCR (reply: 3)
  94. Troubleshoot PCR smear problem - all I got was smear!! (reply: 71)
  95. Smear after second PCR - (reply: 2)
  96. smears instead of bands - (reply: 2)
  97. In reference to low tm - I have smearing as well on a dna gel (reply: 2)