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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Electrophoresis
121. poor seal between stacking a seperating gels - (reply: 4)
122. IEF technique utilizing Multiphor II Electrophoresis System - I am totally a newbie (reply: 9)
123. Problem with protein resolving in electrophoresis - (reply: 7)
124. HELP!- strange band appearing on immunoblot - strange band detected during blotting with anti-CTB antibodies (reply: 3)
125. electrophoresis rflp help - (reply: 1)
126. Repellent of glasses for PAGE - Need tricks for repel the glasses caster (reply: 15)
127. SDS Page heat up and "fry" the gel and protein (Western Blot) - (reply: 2)
128. agarose gel has melten - (reply: 4)
129. Gels 'blobby' - (reply: 2)
130. Smear and fluorescent in the well, could it be DNA or ? - (reply: 1)
131. Actin Bands smiling on western blot - (reply: 3)
132. Problem loading DNA / agarose gel - (reply: 14)
133. Which buffer do you use for gel electrophoresis? - (reply: 9)
134. Agarose Gel Disposal - (reply: 13)
135. How to modify electrophoresis chamber - (reply: 3)
136. Agarose gel to separate btween 4800bp and 4850bp - (reply: 3)
137. Denaturing gel electrophoresis for qPCR - (reply: 3)
138. Agarose Gel Electrophoreses - What makes it fluoresce? - (reply: 3)
139. Gel electrophoresis - (reply: 4)
140. TAE buffer contamination - (reply: 1)
141. Electrophoresis: sometimes mA=0 - (reply: 3)
142. Agarose Gel electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
143. Gel Electrophoresis Question - (reply: 12)
144. Agarose gel electrophresis - (reply: 3)
145. DNA electrophoersis ladder very blurry - (reply: 4)
146. Varied resolution in the same gel - (reply: 2)
147. Does agarose go bad? - (reply: 14)
148. SB Buffer and Page Electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
149. electrophoresis/ difference between expected size and result/ what's the alt - How to confirm the band means the expected DNA? Sequencing&what else? (reply: 5)
150. Agarose / SDS Page - (reply: 2)

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