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Top : Forum Archives: : Paper-and-Grant-Writing--Publishing-and-Presentation
91. A website for comments and statistics for journals - (reply: 1)
92. Article Require - (reply: 1)
93. IF 2006 - (reply: 10)
94. PCR - (reply: 5)
95. DNA extraction - To measure A260/280 (reply: 9)
96. plant journal - (reply: 1)
97. top magazines - (reply: 5)
98. How many fellowships/grants can a postdoc have? - (reply: 6)
99. no of experiemnts - (reply: 2)
100. writing paper title - (reply: 6)
101. Photoshop: Friend or Fraud? - JBC Editorial (reply: 4)
102. Question about references. Help a confused rookie! - when and when not to ref. (reply: 1)
103. size of figures - (reply: 7)
104. sites about writing skills... - (reply: 5)
105. NIH not approving grants to Europeans? - (reply: 2)
106. How to prepare proposal defense? - (reply: 4)
107. authors in thesis ? - writing pattern (reply: 5)
108. Grant Apps visibility? - (reply: 5)
109. Nature protocols - not indexed in Pubmed - (reply: 1)
110. Presentation skills - How to improve presentation skills? (reply: 23)
111. publishing negative results - (reply: 9)
112. getting a grant..... - (reply: 2)
113. manage references - thanks alot (reply: 5)
114. Good journals with publication for free? - Please list some (reply: 7)
115. Four Eyed Fish - pls help me! (reply: 6)
116. Candidacy exam - (reply: 2)
117. My publication - About my published paper/poster (open discussion) (reply: 4)
118. Are we really aware of patenting our inventions? - (reply: 1)
119. would you say bonded or bound? - covalent bond (reply: 6)
120. Protein Purification and Expression - Looking for a similar Journal (reply: 9)

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