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~ ThaT MoMent WheN ... inspired by Facebook !! ;) - (Oct/19/2012 )

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ThaT MoMent WheN: you drop your gel on the way to the imager


That Moment When: you enter the dark room to take a picture of you western blot, take the photoraphic paper out in the dark and realize you forgot the scissors...


That moment when: you have to completely change clothes to go into the mouse facility, and you wear surgical scrubs. But you have a mobile phone, and it goes into one of the many pockets. And after several hours of work, you finally get to leave. And you have to change clothes again. And the surgical scrubs are placed in a special bin, where they are cleaned and autoclaved. And you finally get to go home. And it's raining, and you get wet riding home. And then realize your phone is still in the pocket of the pants in the special bin, about to be autoclaved. And it's still raining.


Were you able to retrieve it ?


vetticus3 on Wed Jun 12 11:50:58 2013 said:

That moment when: you have to completely change clothes to go into the mouse facility, and you wear surgical scrubs. But you have a mobile phone, and it goes into one of the many pockets.

Ouch :(
Alternately, you change into scrubs to get into the vivarium, and your PI remembers that we forgot something upstairs, so you change back into your clothes, get what you need from the lab, change BACK into scrubs, get back to your mouse holding room....and he's forgotten something else


vetticus3 on Wed Jun 12 11:50:58 2013 said:

That moment when: you have to completely change clothes to go into the mouse facility, and you wear surgical scrubs. But you have a mobile phone, and it goes into one of the many pockets. And after several hours of work, you finally get to leave. And you have to change clothes again. And the surgical scrubs are placed in a special bin, where they are cleaned and autoclaved. And you finally get to go home. And it's raining, and you get wet riding home. And then realize your phone is still in the pocket of the pants in the special bin, about to be autoclaved. And it's still raining.

We dont need smart phones. We need autoclavable-ones

-Ameya P-

yes, i did get it back... the next day. i guessed/hoped that the staff wouldn't run the autoclave at night. still got there very early that morning.


nightingale on Mon Nov 12 20:21:53 2012 said:

That MoMent When :-

you walk by your PCR machine to check when you are going to take your samples out from it ,,,
to realise that you haven't pushed the "start" button

Hah, yes!

That moment when... you realize you added DNA ladder to your samples instead of 6X sample buffer. =/


That moment when you've waited forever for a gel to solidify, and its ruined because it got wet with buffer -.-'

(I've never used these stupid rigs where you flip the mold IN the box full of buffer to pour it, and I HATE them >:( They always leak!)


That moment when Murphy crops up again....

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