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good book on science - something to read like a novel and get 'inspired' (May/08/2009 )

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this one is good, enjoyable and wonderous :-

"what a plant knows : a field guide to the senses." By Daniel Chamovitz


The biology Book of Christopher C. Tisdell is the best for DNA.


terryduran on Mon Aug 18 10:02:42 2014 said:

Many books are available on the internet about the science.And also spam spam spam botany essay writing service is providing the article and books for the students.It related to the science only.Students get this article from the internet and library.You can get some ideas from this science related article and the books.

why would anybody use a essay writing service when the provider can't write a sensible post?

Note: original post deleted and this one modified - Bob.


I'm new to the forum, but I have a new Amazon e-book that fits in this category.  It is "Academania: My Life in the Trenches of Biomedical Research".  It is a science memoir written in lay language for both scientists and non-scientists.  Here is the link--


Forgive me if this comes across as spam, but it seems to be the best way to get the book out there as a self-published author. 


Can't believe nobody mentioned "The Eighth Day of Creation" yet ! This book changed the way I look at lab life.


andrewmason on Mon Oct 26 10:27:30 2009 said:

You did not generalized you question. Science is a very waste subject to cover in a single book. How ever you need to question properly for a specific subject you want.

huh.png :huh:Science is a very waste subject it seems rolleyes.gif


edited this and yours to remove the spam. Thanks for info.


gvbdxz on Thu Jun 18 14:02:31 2015 said:

Can't believe nobody mentioned "The Eighth Day of Creation" yet ! This book changed the way I look at lab life.

which one? the one about the birth of molecular biology? or the one about philosophy?


mdfenko on Fri Jun 19 11:31:42 2015 said:


gvbdxz on Thu Jun 18 14:02:31 2015 said:

Can't believe nobody mentioned "The Eighth Day of Creation" yet ! This book changed the way I look at lab life.

which one? the one about the birth of molecular biology? or the one about philosophy?


The Horace Judson one about the birth of Molecular Biology.


James Watson: DNA: The Secret of Life

-Zoe Winslet-
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