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lazybones - (Sep/30/2005 )

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who else thinks some posters are here to get a quick homework solution?



because of the net,we never do the task lonely dry.gif


Some of them are so obviously questions from a homework assignment! I see these types of questions on the programming forums I'm on, too.


Bioforum may need a separate forum for homework to separate from other forum

-Minnie Mouse-

Here's a perfect example... biggrin.gif


If we found that the questions sound like homework, we SHOULD NOT ANSWER THEM!!!! biggrin.gif

-Minnie Mouse-

i usually ignore things that look like homework.

with the entire internet, classes, teachers, TAs, textbooks at their disposal, I'm not doing their work for them dry.gif

but i think most of us are here for better reasons


there is probably (i hope) a good reason but it's one example and an other. Note that in the second, the poster didn't wrote please... huh.gif


Ok so I did come here for homework help. I'm a student who's homeschooled. My work isn't spoonfed to me. Sometimes for one answer I will have to read a million books, google a billion sites, and when I still can't find the answer (as i couldn't when I joined this forum) I have to ask people like you for help. The way I did Here I've gone to soooooooo many sites to find out which external body parts cells divide rapidly, and all the info i'm getting is cancer related, so here I am.


The question you posted about the gut cells showed that you had done some research on your own, and I suspected when I answered it that it was cancer related.

As far as I'm concerned, your questions are welcome here.


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