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Genome Bank - How to construct a genome bank (Oct/27/2008 )

Dear all

i am interested in the construction genome bank of certain filamentous fungi. I need hep in this regard.
i Will be thankful if some could help me in how to extract a good quality fungal DNA, Which kit to use and which precautions i must take care of.

I will be thankful if you could recommend me some publication and protocols.


I'd start with the Qiagen Q-Tip genomic DNA extraction kits, and follow instructions. Prepare enough genomic DNA so that you never have to do it again. Think about what length fragments you want in your library. The best preparation is probably hydroshearing followed by end repair, which results in random fragments of the length you desire. These can be cloned into any standard vector. Longer fragments (BACs or cosmids) can be useful for mapping or finishing the sequence. How big is your genome?


sorry but I would like to to justifty the genome size?


Dear thank you very much rolleyes.gif for your reply and help
The estimated genome size is about 30Mb. is the protocol available with the kit. can you recommend me some useful articals related to fungal genome library construction, or any detailed protocol that you know.

QUOTE (phage434 @ Oct 28 2008, 03:12 PM)
I'd start with the Qiagen Q-Tip genomic DNA extraction kits, and follow instructions. Prepare enough genomic DNA so that you never have to do it again. Think about what length fragments you want in your library. The best preparation is probably hydroshearing followed by end repair, which results in random fragments of the length you desire. These can be cloned into any standard vector. Longer fragments (BACs or cosmids) can be useful for mapping or finishing the sequence. How big is your genome?


Thank you dear for your reply
From the related filamentous fungi we have estimated a size of about 30 to 35 Mb for our target fungi.

QUOTE (libraryguy @ Oct 28 2008, 05:24 PM)
sorry but I would like to to justifty the genome size?
