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Can loading dye be a problem - (Oct/24/2008 )

I have done two PCR, run the gel and I gor an amplification. I used 7 ul for the gel running and but I put the loading dye in all the sample.
I put this sample in freezer. The next step was to use this PCR prodcut for thirld PCR with different primers. Now the problem is loading dye.
Should I run the gel again and elute the sample from the gel and used it in the PCR or I can clean the sample with DNA clean kit.
what is better way to do that or i should throw the sample or run the PCR again.
I shall be very thankful to you for your kind reply.


hello samita, I think that clean this PCR from gel or kit is the same thing... Maybe try to read in the kit manual if it's good to clean in presence of loading dye... But if you're afraid, from gel would be good!


if it's a nice single band , just clean with PCR purification kit .


Don't do anything to your sample, except perhaps to dilute it 100x into TE. You need vanishingly small amounts of DNA for a PCR template. Take 1 ul of your loading dye + PCR product into 99 ul of TE, and then use 1 ul of your dilution as a template in your next PCR reaction. Save the diluted DNA in your box. Less handling of DNA is better, almost always. Avoid work and cost and sample loss when you can.
