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Improved electrophoresis of nucleic acids. - (Aug/09/2008 )

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I think some of you may find this interesting and/or useful.
Science Daily articles:
Relevant papers:
And patent:
(To download patent click "Original document" and then "Save Full Document".)


I think it's indeed very interesting!! Do you have PDF files of the articles?

Best regards,


No, I don't. The patent seems to have quite a lot of information though. (I haven't read it because I'm not working with nucleic acids.)


OK I will check that out!


I can send you the article, if you want.


If you could send it to me also, my friends would appreciate it.


There's been a fair amount of discussion here on these SB buffers -- see here (from July 2005), here (from September 2005), and here (from October 2005).


The borate system works very well for short, fast gel runs, but I wouldn't recommend it if you have a large gel format and you want to run for a long time. I usually do 250-300V for 10 minutes on a 0.8% gel.

Having said that, the resolution can be great. It's relatively easy to separate 500 from 517 bp in a ladder on a 0.8% gel.


Does anyone know if using the SB buffer would affect a subcloning procedure? We use TAE now and it works fine, but it would be great to run it faster if at all possible. I just don't want to cut the gel out and have the SB mess up the finicky nature of DNA Ligase or disturb the balance of the ligation buffer.



QUOTE (JCbio @ Aug 20 2008, 02:38 AM)
Does anyone know if using the SB buffer would affect a subcloning procedure? We use TAE now and it works fine, but it would be great to run it faster if at all possible. I just don't want to cut the gel out and have the SB mess up the finicky nature of DNA Ligase or disturb the balance of the ligation buffer.


The only component that is changed is the lack of Tris, which is the component that causes the heating. When you gel-purify, the end resullt is the same.


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