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Cell Counting in Hemocytometer - Teach me short cut to count in this chamber (Jul/16/2008 )

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Few days before i started to work in cell culture lab...

And i always have problem in counting the cells in Hemocytometer chamber....I try to understand the 1mm depth etccccc. but i hate the number and i dont want break my head on it..... some one just tell me the short to count the cells....

For example i counted total of 250 cells in four corner squares of the chamber.
i want to seed 1x106 cells from there to a new dish

It will helpful if give any teach me the short cut for it....

Thanks in Advance....



check this link

-Minnie Mouse-

Minnie mouse gave you a pretty thorough link, just thought I would add that it seems everyone has a different way of doing this procedure.( I know people will say there way is right, but.....) So simple advice, find one method that works for you and if it is good stick with it!!!! Results are all that matter.


thanks for link and i have one more question......I came across a protocol suggesting seed 10^6 cells..i I didn't get whether it is cells per plate or cells per ml...... i am bit confused


IT is almost always cells/mL. This is standard as everyone uses different sized plates.


QUOTE (bhappy @ Jul 16 2008, 06:52 PM)
thanks for link and i have one more question......I came across a protocol suggesting seed 10^6 cells..i I didn't get whether it is cells per plate or cells per ml...... i am bit confused

Continuing with the same, i have a query.
What dye should i use if i want to count bacterial cells by hemocytometer.


There is a special 50mL tubes that are use for cell counting. Just add the media with cells, centrifuge and it have a special botton with markings and you know how much you no counting at all.


From which company is it from .....just give me the lin\k


QUOTE (merlav @ Jul 17 2008, 10:42 AM)
There is a special 50mL tubes that are use for cell counting. Just add the media with cells, centrifuge and it have a special botton with markings and you know how much you no counting at all.

i too need the name of the company and manufacturer.


QUOTE (divyagarga @ Jul 17 2008, 07:53 PM)
QUOTE (merlav @ Jul 17 2008, 10:42 AM)
There is a special 50mL tubes that are use for cell counting. Just add the media with cells, centrifuge and it have a special botton with markings and you know how much you no counting at all.

i too need the name of the company and manufacturer.

me too please biggrin.gif

-Minnie Mouse-

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