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asking for kanamycin stock solution... - (Jul/03/2008 )

Is there any friend from Singapore? I need 1-2ml kanamycin stock solution (30mg/ml) very urgently. I already placed the order, but have to wait for long time here. Hope I can get help from here.

Many thanks,

zhi (


is there anybody using kanamycin in your building?
I think it is hard if you ask like this.
Love to help, but too bad, I'm in M'sia.


I am not far from your place...
in Japan. But i guess its gonna
too long before u get if
i sent it to you.
check some other lab from ur dpmt.


Thanks, friends,

We are in a new institute which is far away from the city (only us), and we just had a new biotechnology lab. I came here (Singapore) newly and unfortunately in our lab I am the only person who is starting genetics work, our purchasing procedure is very time-consuming. So this is why I came here for help.

Anyway, thanks.


Aanyone doing microbe work?
they might have it.
