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anti-phosphoAsp - (May/18/2008 )

Does anyone have any idea where to get anti-phosphoAsp antibodies? It seems that such antibodies are rare, if they exist at all!

OR, has anyone tried using anti-phosphoSer/Thr/Tyr to detect for phosphoAsp? or any suggestions to identify the presence of a phosphoAsp in a protein?




QUOTE (Tummybear @ May 18 2008, 11:29 AM)
Does anyone have any idea where to get anti-phosphoAsp antibodies? It seems that such antibodies are rare, if they exist at all!

OR, has anyone tried using anti-phosphoSer/Thr/Tyr to detect for phosphoAsp? or any suggestions to identify the presence of a phosphoAsp in a protein?



I assume that phosphorylations of Asp are too instabile for gel electrophoresis

-The Bearer-