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Multiple recombinant plasmids in transformed E Coli? - (Feb/12/2008 )


When I do a colony PCR on my transformation plate, sometimes I see colonies that appear to carry 2-3 different recombinant plasmids, each containing 1, 2 or 3 copies of the insert (PCR product).

The PCR product was end-repaired (blunt and phosphorylated) and ligated to a blunt-cut vector, purified and electrotransformed into TOP10 cells.

Any idea why I am not seeing just ONE kind of recombinant plasmid in the colony PCR?



Maybe the colonies you're picking are too close together and you're picking more than one at a time.
Try re-streaking some of them and then picking isolated clones.


QUOTE (timpanister @ Feb 12 2008, 01:17 AM)

When I do a colony PCR on my transformation plate, sometimes I see colonies that appear to carry 2-3 different recombinant plasmids, each containing 1, 2 or 3 copies of the insert (PCR product).

The PCR product was end-repaired (blunt and phosphorylated) and ligated to a blunt-cut vector, purified and electrotransformed into TOP10 cells.

Any idea why I am not seeing just ONE kind of recombinant plasmid in the colony PCR?


Maybe the pcr product come from your ligation mixture.