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Dynabead magnets - new to this technology (Dec/07/2007 )

Hello. My lab is interested in switching over to using Protein G-dynabeads from invitrogen for our IPs. In the past we've used Protein G-sepharose from amersham/GE and that has worked pretty well, but from what I understand the magnetic beads are supposed to be alot cleaner and easier to work with. Since I'm trying to do some proteomic analysis from my pulldowns, I suspect the dynabeads are the way to go. I'd welcome any general advice you have on this matter.

Also since I would like to test this system out before investing too much lab money on it, is it possible to use the beads without purchasing the magnetic rack? In other words, is it possible to use more common magnets already found in the lab (we're a cell bio lab) to pull down the beads for an initial experiment. If successful I would obviously invest in their magnetic racks, but I don't want to buy the rack if the system turns out to be no better than traditional Protein G-sepharose.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


These are the same material used in the racks. Get 100 for under $10. plus shipping.


you can use other magnets such as a magnetic stirer fish put in ice of a ice box

-The Bearer-

Or quickspin with a tabletop centrifuge (very low speed)