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plasmid went missing - what happen?? (May/12/2004 )

I did my plasmid miniprep and did also RE digestion to check my insert.
However, after sending it to sequencing...the plasmid went missing...
I check all my samples and it is what that happened...
what went wrong??


after sending it to sequencing...the plasmid went missing

What do you mean by "the plasmid went missing"? What primer did you use for sequencing?


i use m13f & r primer for sequencing..
anyway, i run gel on my samples..n it's true..
i can't find my plasmid n insert...
that's why i said it's misssing...hehehe



Did you use DNaseI to suspend your samplesby mistake? I am sure you are joking or are a really really tired lab worker- go get some sleep


well...i'm sure i didn't put in DNase...but only Rnase , as i have no Dnase reagent... anyway, i think this topic should be closed by now..
so please no more replies....thks for looking into my question...sweet of u all...


well...i'm sure i didn't put in DNase...but only Rnase , as i have no Dnase reagent... anyway, i think this topic should be closed by now..
so please no more replies....thks for looking into my question...sweet of u all... smile.gif
