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norNOHA - (Aug/09/2007 )

I find a big problem when preparating norNOHA for my cell culture. It is very hygroscopic and is recommended to be dissolved in 1mg/ml DMSO as a stock. It is also not recommended to be dissolved in PBS for more than one day.
If I choose DMSO, it will be difficult to add it into my cell culture because the working concentration is from 500uM to 1000uM, which leads to very high percentage of DMSO in my control.
Could anyone can help? Thank you!


Could you use EtOH oe MeOH instead, since they are less toxic?


QUOTE (JAH @ Aug 9 2007, 10:12 PM)
Could you use EtOH oe MeOH instead, since they are less toxic?

Thanks for your suggestion, but I don't know the solubility of my chemical in EtOH.
Anyone worked with this before?


i personnaly not dealed with norNOHA, but did some resarches and i found this webpage.
It's written that norNOHA is hygroscopic but soluble in water. So may you dissolve it for cell culture in that water ?


Isn´t it possible to make a more concentrated solution (>1mg/ml). dilution will be higher, which means that DMSO conc. is smaller.

When it is soluble in water than it could be possible that it is also soluble in cell culture medium. Try.

But i don´t know, if this stock solution could be also be stored for later use.


QUOTE (moljul @ Aug 13 2007, 05:55 PM)
Isn´t it possible to make a more concentrated solution (>1mg/ml). dilution will be higher, which means that DMSO conc. is smaller.

When it is soluble in water than it could be possible that it is also soluble in cell culture medium. Try.

But i don´t know, if this stock solution could be also be stored for later use.

Thanks all, but I think it is not possible to dissolve in water, PBS and culture medium since the instruction did not recommend dissolving it in PBS and should not store for more than ONE day.
So I will try to use a more concentrated solution using DMSO.
Thanks all again!
