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timeline of apoptosis (skin) - (Mar/27/2007 )


I'm looking for some form of apoptotic timeline (not the type telling me the history of apoptosis).
the problem is this - i need to trace the entrance of a drug into the human body, then into the skin then thru the various stages of apoptosis (caused by the drug).
i thought i would keep my first question on the forum quite simple blush.gif




ive since found out pharmacokinetics might have an answer so if anyones up to speed on that any help would be appreciated.



would it help if i was more specific?

i'm trying to trace low dose (psoriasis) methotrexate till it enters the skin then any apoptosis that may subsequently occur so i need a time line of both to optimise biopsy time



would it help if i jump about and pull funny faces huh.gif



how about if i cry and throw a tantrum angry.gif


i'm crying now


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah sad.gif


i give up glare.gif
